Heeeerrrrrreeeeee’s Johnny!

August 15, 2006

Please welcome my dear friend John to the blogisphere!  He is smart and bloody wicked and I love him.  He’s been my adopted for about 7 years now.  Give him a read and your support.  1steak.wordpress.com

Did I sound properly English with the word “bloody”??? 😀


And even the Bastard Jr. has written again.  Hell will wonders ever cease???  http://bofhjr716.wordpress.com/

You’ll notice…….

April 13, 2006

A new name on the blogroll…..can't wait for her to WRITE something. Waiting patiently is not one of my virtues. My g/friend Donna 😀

And the blogroll grows…

April 10, 2006

Say that real fast 5 times.  🙂  The wife of The bastard has just started her own blog.  Give her a read.

WTG Pauline aka The Blonde.