Day one – Statewide Volunteer Conference

June 2, 2006

TYC provides for the care, custody, rehabilitation, and reestablishment in society of Texas' most chronically delinquent or serious juvenile offenders. Texas judges commit these youth to TYC for mostly felony-level offenses committed when they were at least age 10 and less than age 17. TYC can maintain jurisdiction over these offenders until their 21st birthdays. 

I have been an employee of the Texas Youth Commission for 11 years…and I love it….No I love those kids.  I am fortunate, in that the facility where I work is a drug rehab….which I certainly relate to the kids who are there.

If not for our vounteers the kids would miss out on so much.  Eventhough we are a small facility, our volunteer base is larger than many of the state schools. 

This weekend is dedicated to the volunteers who give their time and money so freely to those who need so much.  We are meeting this weekend at the Marriott hotel in Dallas.  It is a huge, fun affair.  Volunteers, staff and some of the kids from all over the state will be there.  This site will give you an idea of where they are coming from: .

Today was registration, meeting up with old friends from prior years, conferences and a presentation by our priest, Fr. Richard, to the Chaplains Conference.  The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, a Case Manager, three of our kids, another religious volunteer and I, sat in amazement that God so greatly blessed us by giving us this wonderful man.

Back to the Ranch with kids during rush hour traffic in Dallas.  We deserve an ice cream cone…..mmmmmmmmm 

Tomorrow is another big day…….. The boys and Lonnie are going to play their guitars and sing for our lunch entertainment. 😀  The boys are scared shitless!

Word of the day: 


1. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful (Thank you, volunteers, for your generous gift of your time and attention to these wayward youth in our care.)

Friday smiley

June 2, 2006

sav e the earth.gifSave the earth – it’s the only planet that has chocolate!

Jacked from Gina, The Bastardette!